Thursday, September 23, 2010


There is only one thing which is common to all the people in this world , that is pain.... Some may argue that their might be two things Joy & and Pain...but the fact remain there are people in this life, who has seen just pain and died fighting those pains. Take an example of a new born baby, having serious illness and is in pain, desperately tries to fightback but in the end gives into it.

We are born into this world with pain ,a mother's labor pains gives life to a new being. We leave this world thorough pain, example heart attack, accident etc. Some may argue that there is death which is peaceful in nature, one should always believe in it and wishes for ,but the fact remain when the heart stops the brain is still alive for few more minutes and hours, as in the case the pain resides in the brain , to be more precise in the Thalamus of the brain, so in the end we still feel our heart crashing and our other organs malfunctioning for just few more minutes and hours ..before we die "peacefully".

So Pain is a life giver and is also the life taker in the end,but what is pain in life ? where does it fit in our life majestic plan ? why is it there?. Pain is described as an uneasy sensation occurring at various degrees of severity, suffering , anguish and so on. Imagine one person suffered insurmountable of pain, what will happen to him ? there are only two possibilities , either he will be a very hard person in life or he will be a understanding person beyond anybodies comprehension. Example abusive childhood , the child has an option whether to become a difficult & hard person or would have an astonishing perspective on child abuse and grow up to help people going through such a problem, after all being and conquering pain is a matter of choice.

So, now lets imagine a world without Pain and full of Joy....easy to imagine...try holding that imagination & feeling for an hour , hours or a day and you will understand after a point it will be just a normal feeling , you wont be able to distinguish it from anything else, it will be another mundane thing that just exists. So without Pain there is no Joy ...just as there is no salvation without sin. no light without darkness or no yin without yang. Pain what makes the basis of most of our emotions , it what makes emotions emotional ....example a Boy Friend hurt to see his Girlfriend with some other guy Hurt=Pain= Jealousy or A friend hurt by another friend hurt=pain=anger and so on the only exception is love ,Lust and Joy, but then again these emotions are not strangers to pain ,in fact pain magnifies such emotion ...Example Pain tends to increase love for a person ,when two lovers quarrel and part ways and .... as what pain does in case of Lust , I'll leave it up to the reader to answer that.

In the end , Pain is one thing that makes us Human , that brings life into us....break a leg , or hurt yourself and you will find as soon as the pain kicks in ,so does adrenaline. God uses pain sometime to carve us into exceptional beings, but he always leaves the design choice with us that how we want to turn up ?. It takes courage to understand and face pain , its not a matter of weak hearted souls, Choice always lies with us whether to understand it , embrace it and be a better being or reject it and be a difficult person for the rest of our life. Because with no pain there is no life ..just like without salt there is no taste.. So live your Life to the full extent with the right choices.... as when Pain gives Life but when it leaves finally it also takes Life.

Selyucus Markus

1 comment:

  1. Sel,
    I think its a wonderful article..jst wanted to add that every cloud has a silver lining so dont give up..!
